Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chapter 10 answers

Chapter 10
50) Changes the years have brought to the farm are that there is more food and Mr. Jones has dies and the animals are at peace knowing he won't come back.
51)Orwell makes fun of bureaucracy by making it look stupid or dumb. Just like some do to our government.
52) The animals feel that their social order has gotten a little better, but not by much.
53) The pigs take drastic actions by adding a school yard, dogs and a windmill. The pigs also, once they find "some" reason to kill that animal, they do. The start killing off every animal.
54) The new commandment that has been true since the beginning is "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others." It has been true since the beginning because Napoleon and the pigs have always gotten special treatments and the others work and die.
55) New changes Napoleon points out are that the farm is now, again called Manor Farm and the pigs are still in the power of all.
56) The pigs' appearance started to change when they started walking on their hind legs. Their faces started to change into one of a human beings.

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